The Severe Accident Phenomelogy (SAP) short course is based on the knowledge gained on Severe Accident in the last three decades. The main purpose is to transfer it to M.Sc.‐Ph.D. students, engineers and researchers recently involved in the study of severe accidents.
This SAP 2023 edition is a sequel to the previous NUGENIA TA2 SAP Courses held in Bologna (2021, online), Cadarache (2019) and Ljubljana (2017). In this edition, updated and extended contents will be presented again face‐to‐face. The program will cover severe accident phenomenology, progression and mitigation in current and future advance water reactors (Generation 2, 3, 3+, SMRs). Severe accident codes and their uncertainties will be also addressed. A special focus will be done on the Fukishima-Daiichi severely damaged reactors and their decommissioning.
As in the specific objectives of the SEAKNOT project, reputed scientists and engineers will be lecturing beyond what’s written in books, papers and reports, so that not just their knowledge but also their expertise, is passed to young generation of students, engineers and researchers in the severe accident field. What’s even as important, enough time will be planned for questions-and-answers and networking during the course.
The course will be open to University students with special fees. It can contribute for 3 ECTS (with written work) as an advanced course for Master students (through the European Nuclear Education Network – ENEN).
The 2023 edition of the Short Course on Severe Accident Phenomenology will take place from Monday 19 to Friday 23 June 2023 at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Registration closed.